What Do I Wear For Family Portraits?!

So you’ve booked your family portrait session, begged your children to participate (if they’re anything like my boys!), and now you need to find the perfect outfits... never fear, we’ve put together a guide on what to wear to get the perfect look for timeless lifestyle portraits!

Great family pictures are, well, great! But you definitely need to have the perfect outfits to go along with those smiles! Clashing colors and patterns will distract the eye and cause chaos in the image. Choose a color palette and stick with it; notice I said color palette, not single color. If everyone is wearing, say, blue or black the entire family will blend together. Different shades of a single color or even complementing colors will give a softer look to your images.

Don’t be afraid to add a pop of color to your wardrobe! An accent of red or yellow can really brighten any family image, whether as an accessory or an outfit. Speaking of accessories, don’t drown yourself in necklaces and bracelets, but definitely add some bling if that’s your thing!

Still looking for some inspiration? Click HERE to check out my Pinterest board for some helpful tips on dressing for your upcoming family session!